Simple vs Easy
Paul Buckley
It’s a conversation I’ve had now a few times:
“What do I need to do to get a promotion?”
While I won’t go into details of answers, it has brought up the comparison of Simple vs Easy, which on the surface sound interchangeable but mask different concepts.
Easy things don’t take much effort. Simple things don’t require much thought.
Navigating a car is easy, but not simple (at least when you’re first learning).
Lifting a 500 pound weight isn’t easy, but it is simple.
Getting promoted to a senior engineer is simple, but not easy.
Let me clarify the last bullet point there. To get promoted from a junior engineer, you need to show 1) technical proficiency and 2) an ability to deliver on a project of increasing scope. It’s that simple. On the flip side, gaining technical proficiency by doing months and years of work is not easy, nor is leading a project.
But the path is simple.
Why is this important?
Most things in life are pretty simple when you have a clear understanding of the playing field. If you don’t think something is simple, it might be worth taking a look at your assumptions and to learn more about what you’re trying to accomplish. Test those assumptions.
Once a simple path has been determined, things might be hard, and it’s important to differentiate the two to ensure you’re working on the right things.